Friday 9 November 2012

A Merlion's Jaunt in Beijing - Part 1

Huang Yen arrived in Beijing for a visit much to the delight of old pals Monkey and Hindergaard. Yet-to-be-named Gingerbread Man joined in the welcoming entourage as Hindergaard pointed out key landmarks of Chaoyang District.
HY giving hugs and kisses all round to his old buddies.
Armed with his trusty Beijing guidebook, HY decided to check out the famous Sanlitun shopping district where the sartorial splendour of BJ is on display.

Sunday 4 November 2012

A Merlion's Jaunt in Beijing - Preview

Huang Yen (谎言) the Merlion travelled to Beijing to visit Monkey & Hindergaard. Here's a shot of the two buddies on the Great Wall of China.
More pictures coming soon.

Babe in the House

The House of Himu welcomes a new member! 

Ramsay the Ram watches over his newborn mistress!

Ramsay test-riding her new baby sitter

One-month old Baby Mistress is off to a great life with 5 plushies.

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